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The history of subsizes



  • Official comment
    John Palmer

    Hi Timo, 

    Thanks for the feedback on this.

    When we added sub-sizing, the original intention not to be used as offcut management, although it looks like at lot of our users are using it for this

    We are looking to separate offcut management from sub-sizes at some point in the future, but we don't have anything planned for this in our short term road map.

  • Timo Hoß

    I use subsizes to handel the offcut from previous projects. Unfortunately, Maxcut use the offcut-sizes only, if it can place all needed pieces onto these offcuts instead of a new panel, so it can save one hole panel. For me, it would be gainful, maxcut would use the offcut first and put the rest of the pieces on a new complete panel, so you have one bigger offcut instead of having several smaller offcuts. For example, if you have a panel of 2000x1000 an two offcuts of 1000x500. You need three parts of 900x500. Maxcut places all three parts onto the big panel, so you have at least three offcuts of 1000x500. It should be better, you use the offcut first an place the remaining part onto a new panel, so you have at least only one offcut with a bigger size, in our example of 1500x1000.

    best regards

    Timo Hoß


  • Damo C

    Hi John,

    Could you not just add in a field that allows you to input the QTY of "full sheets" you have in stock - that way your optimization code would then be able to reference how many of the full sheets to use before switching to the offcuts?

    By doing so - the user could create a new material and input the sheet size as their largest offcut, set the QTY to X, and then enter the subsizes as normal.

    Does this sound do-able?

  • John Palmer

    Hi Damo,

    Thank you for your suggestion. Although this does sound like a simple solution, unfortunately it is significantly more complex than this as the core logic of the optimisation algorithm uses the fact that there are an unlimited number of sheets available.

    We are currently looking at what development to do next, and recently sent out a survey with some options - offcuts being one of the options.  If you feel this is an area worth developing, please submit this on the survey.  Here is the link to take the survey: 


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