How do I selectively tell MaxCut to ignore the direction of grain on some of the input panels when optimising
I'm using a sheet that has grain and some of my panels should be cut having that grain into account but some back or less visible panels could be cut following or not the grain.
I'm sure the material usage will increase if the optimizer could rotate some of the panels while keeping the visible ones on the grain.
It looks like MC does not have this feature but has someone find a practical workaround to maximize the sheet usage by mixing grain panels with no grain panels ?
Official comment
You are actually able to do this in MaxCut
When you add an panel input item, on the far right side of the screen is an "Advanced" button. Click that, then under the "Optimizer Panel Rotation" field select "Rotate Regardless of Grain".
Oh. That is great.
I'll check it out the next time I need Maxcut.
Thanks for the reply.
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