Printing reports - each page repeating A, B etc
AnsweredIs there a way to adjust the settings so when I print my optimized cuts, the pages printed all have the A's the same size, the B's the same size, and so on? When I have many cut sizes I'm finding each page will have A, B, C but then the next page also follows that pattern even though the A's aren't all the same size.
Official comment
It sounds like you have your current settings telling the program to label the panel with letters. To change this go to Settings > Layout > Layout Grouping, then select something other than letters (Panel Name or Panel Name & Group Name normally work best). This should resolve your issue.
Thank you, John. Unfortunately, that did not help. If you see below, page 1 shows A and B. But page 2 also shows A as a different size. What I'm trying to achieve is that each size per layout has a different letter or number or name. Is that even possible?
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It does sound like what I described should work. If you select "Panel Name" from Settings > Layout > Layout Grouping, if you added lets say 10 panels to the job (let's call them Panel A), then when you print your report, if you had 2 Panel A's on sheet 1, 5 Panel A's on sheet 2 and 4 Panel A"s on sheet 3, they would all be labelled as Panel A on all sheets of the report. Is this what you are trying to achieve?
Also worth mentioning, that you need to change the setting for the screen as well as the report.
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Thank John, but sadly no, that is not working. I'm not sure the software is able to do what it is I'm trying to do. I have the settings as you've stated above, however, each page has its own A,B,C setting. It does not flow throughout the whole job.
This job for example has 17 items all of different sizes. And each page has an A that is not the same size throughout. As an example: page 1 has A as 72" x 48" and then page 2 has A as 47.75" x 68.5". Page 3 has A as 95.5" x 7".
What I'm trying to achieve is that all 17 of these items has their own number or letter so that when I give these layouts to my cutters, they can see that there are 17 different sizes, and not think that all A's are the same - which they are not.
Does that make a bit more sense? Sorry and thank you for trying t help!!
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Hi, The way you are describing it, it sounds like there is a setting that isn't right. Could send me a copy of the job file for this job, as well as a backup of your system so I can open it on my side and figure out why it is displaying it like this. To do a backup, you would go to File -> Backup > Create Backup. Then save this file and email to me with a copy of your job file to
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