I've opened up MaxCut and my library are no longer there, how do I find them?
1 comment
John Palmer Official comment There could be a few things that caused this.
Scenario A
If you did a straight upgrade and the library items disappeared then it should be fairly simple to find them.
The default location that library items are stored is:
C:\ProgramData\MaxCut Software\MaxCut\Library
Some older versions of MaxCut had the location:
"C:\ProgramData\Maxima Software\MaxCut\Library"
Your library items may still be in the old location. Look in Windows/File Explorer at the old library item folder location and see if your library items are there. A way to recognise them is they end with the file extension .mclib
Scenario B
Another way to find where you library items are it to do a search in Windows/File Explorer.
Click the windows/start button
Open up File Explorer, select the C:\ (point 1). In the top right hand corner of the window there is a search box (point 2), type *.mclib and then click the arrow (point 3).
This will start a full search on your C:\ for any file with the file extension .mclib
After some time you will begin to see search results. When it has completed searching you will see a list of all files, something like this:
If you scroll down the list (point 1), try and identify where your latest library items are. The folder location is indicated below each file name (point 2).
To find all the library items in that file location, select the library item that you recognise (point 1), then click "Open file location" (point 2).
This will take you to the folder location where all your library items are stored.
Now that you've found your library items, now what?
You will need to copy the library items to the sub folder "Library" in MaxCut data settings location. The default location is "C:\ProgramData\MaxCut Software\MaxCut"
To confirm your data settings location open MaxCut and go to Settings > General Settings > Data Settings (Point 1). The top block shows you the data settings folder (Point 2).
Open up windows/file explorer at that location. Go into the Library sub folder and paste the copied files.
Close MaxCut and re-open it and the library items you have just pasted should show up there.