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I get the warning message "some panels have not been placed"



  • Ron Sannachan


    It appears that all the panels I have entered but am not using for the current job, and are set to quantity 0, trigger this warning.

  • julissa

    el aviso que me sale es que el ancho o largo en menor al mínimo permitido; pero antes yo no tuve ese tipo de problema con piezas pequeña, como puedo solucionarlo


    the warning that I get is that the width or length is less than the minimum allowed; but before I didn't have that kind of problem with small parts, how can I fix it

  • John Palmer

    Hi Julissa


    You can fix this by following the steps in the following support page.


  • John Palmer

    @Ron, thanks for making us aware of this. We have a feature request to disable input items so they don't get optimised.



    Would this replace the need for you to set input items to quantity of zero

  • Brice


    I have a warning because my panel is bigger than my product. I have put it this way thinking I could have a way to authorize to split my panel in two parts. 

    I can't find myself a way to this. Is there any way to do it.

    For example, my material is 3000x1500 and I have a 4500x500 panel to provide. In this example it would be 3000+1500 or 2250+2250 or 1500+1500+1500.

    With multiple panels and layout it would be handful to optimize length of parts depending of the project and number of spliting autorized by panel

    Best regards,



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